The Governing Body
The Governing Body at OLSG works closely with the Senior Leadership team and are responsible for the conduct of the school with a view to promoting high standards of educational achievement. Its responsibilities include:
Setting targets for pupil achievement
Managing the school's finances
Making sure the curriculum is balanced and broadly based
Appointing staff
Reviewing staff performance and pay
As a voluntary aided school, the Governing Body is also the employer of OLSG staff
Meet our Governors
Greg Joseph - Chair of Governors
Rosie McGlynn - Headteacher Governor
Andrea Okoloekwe - Foundation Governor
Marina Tudda - Foundation Governor
Peter Nwajagu - Foundation Governor
Michael Gay - Foundation Governor
Fr Michael Barwick - Foundation Governor
Patrick Ramsey - Foundation Governor
Fiona Wilbraham - Foundation Governor
Peter Norman - Foundation Governor
Tisha Dasilva - Local Authority Governor
Laura Rodwell - Staff Governor
Almaz Disu - Parent Governor